Meet The Makers of Hi Cacti: Jessica Sharville


At Hi Cacti we pride ourselves in showcasing and supporting small businesses and independent makers. We love their products and admire their hard work so much that we just HAD to share them with you!

Today we would love to share with you a little bit more about Jessica Sharville, so you can get to know the people behind the products you love so much!


Jess is the creative brain (and hands) behind @jessicasharvilleillustration - the creator of our highly loved cowgirl tote bags!

Jess lives with her husband and pets in their creative home in Cornwall, where they create all the western loving illustrations you’ll ever need. Her work is explored femininity, diversity and individuality, celebrating British fashion, youth and culture through bold linework and characters full of attitude, personality and humour.

We thought Jess’ cowgirl tote bag was the perfect addition to the Hi Cacti desert loving club so we couldn’t resist having it in the shop! You can find them here.


Go find out more of their work and country life with Beryl the cat over on their instagram page!


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