Snake Plant (Sansevieria) Houseplant

Regular price $22.00
Snake Plants (Sansevieria Trifasciata Laurentii) aka Mother In Law's Tongue are a hardy and beautifully sculptural indoor houseplant with variegated colouring and patterned sword like leaves. The long blade like leaves usually have a yellow trim and can grow up to a metre high.
Native to central Africa. PERFECT houseplant for beginners or any of us busy bees that want something beautiful and low maintenance which also makes this the perfect plant for an office or business.
Comes in a plastic 12cm diameter pot and plant is approximately 25-30cm high.
Air cleaning and purifying and made NASA's recommended list in a recent clean air study due to it's natural ability to remove toxins from the environment- such as your apartment or office! Many plants take in oxygen at night, but this one gives it off at night making it perfect addition to your bedroom!
Flexible and happy in varying natural light conditions from full sun to light shade.
care: EASY
Spring and summer months, keep the plant's soil moist, but not wet, about once every 10-14 days. Over winter, allow it to dry out completely before watering moderately- roughly once a month.
mother-in-law's tongue, devil's tongue, jinn's tongue, bow string hemp, snake plant and snake tongue.
Doesn't need repotting until roots have completely filled the pot to the bottom and then it can be divided if you choose and repotted individually.
If ingested, can cause upset stomach among dogs and cats so best to keep it out of their reach. I have mine at my dogs reach, but my dog is a plant lover not a chewer :-)
Cactus Care
Cactus Care Tips: The most common question I get asked is 'How NOT to kill your Cactus'
So here it is plain and simple...
Cactus Tips: Luckily our little prickly friends are hearty creatures & are built for mother nature's land of neglect... the desert. The most common cactus or succulent killer is over watering. Your cactus wants 'dry feet' as its typical terrains are dry & arid, so go easy on H2O so the roots don't rot.
Only water when soil dries. This can range depending the environment, but usually once a month in cooler seasons & no more than twice a month in warmer seasons. During the winter cold season cacti and succulents become dormant so you do not need to water them, give them a lil winter break. Ideally use a spray bottle or mister & try not to water the actual plant, but the soil directly around the base.
Your concrete planter porous so the pot itself recreates a rocky base and imitates the natural layers for drainage that the plants enjoy from their desert home. Also each parcel includes a layer of extra stones for the pot bottom to help with drainage for roots & extra acidic cactus soil. As a rule of thumb it's good to re-pot your cactus or succulent every 2-4 years, either if it's grown enough to go up a pot size, but mainly to replenish the soil's nutrients.
Cacti & Succulents prefer light & warmth, but avoid direct sun as they can burn. To assist with growth & flowering use cactus feed in every other watering.
Thank you for your support & I hope your purchase brings you a little sunshine indoors.