Tarot Cards: Rider Waite Deck

Product image 1Tarot Cards: Rider Waite Deck
Product image 2Tarot Cards: Rider Waite Deck
Product image 3Tarot Cards: Rider Waite Deck
Product image 4Tarot Cards: Rider Waite Deck

Regular price ¥192.00 Sale price ¥240.00

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Tarot cards are a beautiful way to work with your intuition. Whether you choose to pull a card a day for guidance and support, or take the time and space for a full reading, we encourage you to have fun with the process.

We adore this lovely classic deck created by Arthur Edward Waite as the original illustrations by Pamela Colman Smith (aka Pixie) are mystical and ever-unfolding. The more you use them, the deeper your connection to the images and the meaning behind them, so the more you start to see. Magic in your hands, quite literally.

Created in 1909, the Rider Waite Tarot deck is what many of the modern day tarot decks are now based on, so nothing but the best for our Hi Cacti customers. Ready for a reading? Order below.

22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana with a guide to use in English, Spanish, German, Italian and French.

Hi Cacti’s how to use: As a single card pull for daily guidance. Past, present and future three card pull or full traditional Celtic card cross reading. Full instructions are in the guidebook included in the deck. 

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