Terracotta Watering Cones

Product image 1Terracotta Watering Cones
Product image 2Terracotta Watering Cones
Product image 3Terracotta Watering Cones

Regular price L 405.00


Waterworks is a natural plant watering system that makes caring for your houseplants incredibly easy.

Based on the ancient technique of undergrond irrigation pot 'olla', the terra-cotta cone gradually transmits its moisture level to the surrounding soil.

This natural connection means that a plant extracting more moisture from the soil will naturally drain the reservoir faster, while a plant that needs less water can go longer with the same water reserve.

-Natural watering system through porous terra-cotta
-Straightforward usability, original materials
-Easily add to your plants in the pots you love
-Go on vacation with peace of mind

How to work your Waterworks
1. Submerge the terra-cotta cone in water long enough to saturate the material
2. Carefully push the cone into the soil near the roots of your plant
3. Use a glass bottle (we all know we have that one bottle we kept for something because it was pretty!), fill with water and place in the terra-cotta cone - Refill when empty :-)

About the cones
A plants' demand for water varies depending on the size and type of plant as well as the current season.
Make sure to choose the appropriate cone for your plant:
- Small: more glaze, smaller porous surface / for plants that don't need a lot of water.
- Medium / for most plants
- Large: less glaze, larger porous surface / for thirsty (or) larger plants.

All waterworks cones are handmade in the House of Thol studio in Overasselt.





Cactus Care

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Cactus Care Tips: The most common question I get asked is 'How NOT to kill your Cactus'

So here it is plain and simple...


 Cactus Tips: Luckily our little prickly friends are hearty creatures & are built for mother nature's land of neglect... the desert. The most common cactus or succulent killer is over watering. Your cactus wants  'dry feet' as its typical terrains are dry & arid, so go easy on H2O so the roots don't rot.

         Only water when soil dries. This can range depending the environment, but usually once a month in cooler seasons & no more than twice a month in warmer seasons. During the winter cold season cacti and succulents become dormant so you do not need to water them, give them a lil winter break. Ideally use a spray bottle or mister & try not to water the actual plant, but the soil directly around the base. 

        Your concrete planter porous so the pot itself recreates a rocky base and imitates the natural layers for drainage that the plants enjoy from their desert home. Also each parcel includes a layer of extra stones for the pot bottom to help with drainage for roots & extra acidic cactus soil. As a rule of thumb it's good to re-pot your cactus or succulent every 2-4 years, either if it's grown enough to go up a pot size, but mainly to replenish the soil's nutrients.

        Cacti & Succulents prefer light & warmth, but avoid direct sun as they can burn. To assist with growth & flowering use cactus feed in every other watering.

         Thank you for your support & I hope your purchase brings you a little sunshine indoors.


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